Saturday 3 May 2014

Musafir & Hasina’s Great Kullu Adventure Part 2: The mystical village of Nagini!!

“The Earth has music for those who listen”

 George Santayana (philosopher, essayist, poet & novelist)

It is indeed true…if you wish to hear & smell the nature’s inexplicable wonders, then the low symphony of a natural surrounding can forever draw you in & leave you under its captivating spell…however if you choose to ignore it, then the same natural surrounding can be boring and daunting.

Gushaini is a stunning hamlet of untouched, pristine beauty & is especially blessed by nature’s bounty. To our mind the whole village represents of everything a dream vacation can be.

So, after the last post, where we travelled to this heaven & revelled in the beauty of Raju’s cottage & surroundings…and just had a laidback time with food & wine, it was time for some action!!! J J

13th April:

Cycling Trek:

Musafir: Which cycle trail should we catch?? We have two Firefox with us”.

(He loves flaunting themJ J)

Vicky at Raju’s cottage: But why did you get Firefox all the way from Delhi…we had them too!! (there you go…hehehe…Musafir looked humbled)

Musafir: No No we wanted to take ours out (yeah yeah…save the day!!)

All this while Hasina is clicking pics with her camera phone of this, that & what not!!

Vicky: Ok…take this gorgeous trail…10 kms. uphill & then downhill…very easy!!

Hasina: (stops clicking…freezes…gulps) T…t..ten 10kms.uphill??!!

Vicky: Yeah yeah very easy…very easy!!

Musafir: Oh please, it’s very easy!! Sounds easy (yeah right!!) I think we can do it in (long, thinking pause)…what, 2 hours right?!! Considering we will click pics also?

Vicky: Yeah or maybe lesser…

Musafir: Hmmm…cmon lets go!!

All this while Hasina still has a zapped expression…& off we went!!

3 hours later:

We had covered a total (back & forth) distance of….(pause..gasp..wait for it..) 4 kms!!! Yes, that’s right…2 kms.uphill & 2 kms. downhill (J J J)

Well to be fair, Musafir could have easily done 7 kms up & 7 kms down…but Hasina could not catch up at all (what to do…after a point your legs stop peddling uphill!! L L)…and he being sweet & patient, waited for her to catch up & thus abandoned the idea after 2 kms.

But on the upside, we did cycle like travellers on a bridge, with river gushing beneath & had other travellers throw us looks of awe!! (hehehe…cheap thrills), that soon turned to jealous looks when they saw us entering Raju’s cottage later (told you, it’s very very popular….gleeful cheap thrills!!)

Also, we managed to click some good shots!!

Post our 4 hour expedition, we decided to go back to Raju’s, as Hasina had earlier expressed her desire to “do nothing” at least one day at Raju’s. Oh the pleasure of doing nothing!! J J

Post a sumptuous breakfast (we were so hungry…look how much we cycled!! Need to eat extra J J J), we sprawled under the balmy April air of Gushaini, under a large Cherry tree & read on…
What a pleasure it was…perfect silence broken by the sound of the gushing river flowing below…whenever we lifted our eyes off the book, we could see scenes that inspired...

…and scenes that enthralled.

We did nothing full day, but read & read (Hasina read Chetan Bhagat’s Revolution 20 20 & Musafir read A Gradual Ruin by Robert Hilles)

Afternoon time was again for stream side, music, drinks cooled by Tirthan!! We overate at lunch yet again…and trekked back to nap under the same tree (sigh!!), all full & happy.

Evening time was spent in some board games (how we missed these, & almost forgot how to play). It was nice re-living old, school-time memories; followed by bonfire with drinks & music….and then we noticed the evening sky being overcast!! Next day was going to a rainy day… (rain in mountains…double thumbs up!! J J)

14th April:


We were supposed to get up to go to Jalori Pass today, and were supposed to start at 7am from Gushaini…but all we could hear was rain coming down torrentially on the wooden canopied roof of our cottage (imagine the lazy music it created!!). We were contemplating whether to postpone Jalori to next day in face of such a weather & sleep in further with the rain playing pitter patter symphony above us (the latter sounded so much better), when Raju’s son Karan advised us to shift our Jalori plans to next day as bad weather would not only make the route tough, but we would not enjoy our trek either, as rain here meant snowfall over there.

It wasn’t difficult to persuade us & off we went to a peaceful sleep (after all how many such opportunities does one get in the city).

We woke up and came down for breakfast at our pace. It was still raining, but the ferocity had reduced to gentle drizzling now. In the face of fresh rain, the whole valley looked washed, resplendent & fresh like a mint. We were dying to go for a walk in the rain kissed Gushaini, and were suggested a beautiful & very easy trek by Karan & Vicky – The Nagini Village to spot the Waterfall!!

Off we raced with our cameras, cellphones (for music..duh!!) & umbrellas…it was still drizzling lightly.
It’s true that capturing hills & their beauty with a Spring sun shining is beautiful, but when you capture the hills in fresh rain & that too fresh rain of spring, it’s an experience that you never forget.

It seems like every nerve & sinew of a valley wakes up to welcome the light shower that the rain brings with it, and every corner looks so mint fresh & alive that you cannot believe the heavenly beauty unless brought back to reality.

We managed to click some pictures along our way on the 6 km trek (one side) to the mystical & gorgeous village of Nagini.


Every turn we took brought new delight to us...


This is a very minute that grows on the roadside. It is extremely looks large here due to zoom lens & close proximity.

We were walking in perfect solitude taking pictures & observing the beautiful village & its winding roads & the laidback lives of its people while we could hear birds of many species chirping on the rainy morning.


Nagini Mata Mandir in the Nagini village

This was also a point where we spotted a pair of Magpies (yes that’s right…a pair), flying together in perfect rhythm, with their large blue plumage designed with black spots out on display, but they were too quick for us & sadly we could not take a decent picture of them. For those who are not aware, a magpie is a rather large bird. It has an unusually long tail, which is its most beautiful feature; its coat is sky blue with black spots beautifully designed & it has a fiery orange beak. For any lover of fauna in hills, a magpie is a sight not to be missed. Unfortunately we have no sharp pics of them!! L

In fact there was a point when we were desperately spotting the duo & the song that was simultaneously playing on our mobile playlist was “Jaanejaan dhoondhta phir raha hoon tujhe raatdin, main yaha tu kaha” from Jawani Deewani J J seriously, not kidding!! It started on its own right at the point when we were hunting for the pair in a field!! Hehehee…

The flora of Nagini village was however captured in full glory!!


Finally listening to songs, taking our own sweet time to capture some gorgeous shots, and walking in some rainy & some not so rainy moments we reached the foot of the Waterfall trek.

By this time, it started raining pretty hard & we had to keep our cameras away in our bags. Only Hasina’s Samsung Galaxy Note 2 was out, as she would rather die, but part from her one & only love – her phone. So some pictures you see now are taken from that.

The panoramic view of the whole valley from while ascending the flight of stairs was heavenly.

However, the rain started beating harder & it was becoming tough to climb up the now broken, jagged & narrow staircase with umbrella in one hand. At this point, Hasina gave up completely & preferred sitting out on a ledge on the stairs while Musafir would continue further in hunt of the Waterfall.

After some 20 mins later Musafir returned. He could not reach the waterfall either as the staircase had become much narrower & very slippery due to rain. He did spot a gigantic red tree, and miraculously did take a picture, while supporting himself on a narrow ledge with an umbrella in one hand.

We did get one shot of the “Waterfall” as well…here it is:

After a while when the rain slowed down we lazily walked back to our property, again soaking in the scenery & revelling in it. We thoroughly enjoyed our walk/trek & were not tired a bit.

A hot lunch awaited us at Raju’s, which we sat down for immediately, now suddenly tired from the walk (LOL)…and had triple helpings of all the food!!!

Overstuffed yet again, we came to our cottage & slept like logs!! Possibly the most peaceful sleep we had J


Evening onwards, rain came down hard in Gushaini. So hard that it was impossible to do open air bonfire (although they do have a covered Gazebo for a bonfire in rain situation – yes they are very well equipped for all possibility), and the temperature had dipped crazily low; coupled with the fact that the river was gushing right next to us, it was quite cold outside.

Since the indoors were snug & comfortable & we also had an attached small room with large windows that overlooked the valley while being seated comfortably right there, we decided to play along & got our books out again.

It was so peaceful, to read on, sitting next to each other, not saying a word & both comfortably immersed in their respective books, while the rain & wind gushed & rattled windows outside. The calmness within the cottage on the face of that was so beautiful & surreal.

Our reading reverie was only broken By Vicky providing us with popcorn to munch on & apple juice to make large pegs of Rum in the cold weather (how i adore the hospitality at Raju’s).

No matter how much fun a bonfire is or musical parties can be, this moment, the one where you sit in a room for hours like an old couple & enjoy the silence for not one but 3-4 hours, while reading your respective books, is an unforgettable moment. Its subtelety is its biggest strength, its mellowness is its most alluring part J J

That aside, we trekked down to the dining room around 10pm for dinner. It was raining quite heavily indeed.

While eating, we just discussed with Karan that we would like to go to Jalori Pass the next day, rain or no rain, snow or no snow!!

He told us we can go, but it has definitely snowed there & we could find fresh snow. Plus he described the gorgeous villages of Jibhi, Shoja en route. The description was so tantalising that we made up our minds immediately to brave any weather, hail, storm, anything…but go to Jalori!! However, we were advised to tone down the bravery a bit (hmmm) and take a cab from the cottage till Jalori Pass, instead of driving down in our Figo.

Musafir & Hasina in unison: No no no no…we will drive down.

Karan: Still it’s advisable to take a cab.

Hasina (Musafir silent): No no no…we will drive down.

Karan: The rain forms a slush & puddle on the way & driving in Figo can be a challenge.

Musafir: Ok, we will take the cab.

Hasina: No no…let’s drive down. That’s the fun!! Why have we come by car then??!!

Karan: The mud in rain forms a slush & at times the car skids in that slush, the lanes are narrow…on that road & a skidding car can mean…

Musafir & Hasina: Ok we are taking the cab!!


The rest couple of hours in the cottage was spent in listening to music & discussing our respective books and our day’s trek, while the rain outside had slowed to gentle pitter patter now. One look out of the window & we could see a light on in Raju’s home downstairs. Lone light in an otherwise dark & cold valley…lone source of warmth & comfort, that told us all was still well with the World!! J

It was time to call it a night & wait for more adventure next day!! J J J

Coming Up Next:

·        A drive through villages that jumped straight out of paintings…the villages of Jibhi & Shoja!!

·         And a Trek in ankle deep snow to see a frozen lake; a trek so backbreaking that we wanted to run away from it…but how??!!!

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