Thursday 24 July 2014

POSTCARDS FROM THAR : Part 1 - BHANGARH : A Mystery locked in Time!!

 What is fear??!!

Is it just within you? Is it just your mind’s reaction to the unknown? Or is it real?

Is any place really haunted as legends proclaim; or is it just that years of non usage & desertion gives an eerie feel to an otherwise regular & normal place??

Bhangarh – The mysterious kingdom locked in time, still remains World’s Best Kept Secret. However, for us, Musafir & Hasina, Bhangarh was a gem of a beauty and a thrilling journey to reach the place!!


Time: December, 2010 (25th Dec – 1st Jan)

Roadmap: Delhi – Bhangarh (Alwar) – Jaipur – Shekhawati – Bikaner – Jaiselmer – Jodhpur – Udaipur – Ranthambore – Delhi.

Total Kilometres to Travel: 3300kms.

Total no.of days: 9 days

Travellers: 3

Mode of Travel: Santro

Rajasthan allured us always as an exotic land of forts, palaces, mystique & grandeur. Both Musafir & Hasina have visited parts of Rajasthan as kids with their respective families; but while on Musafir, Rajasthan left no special indelible mark, because let’s face it, how many 9 year old boys are interested in forts, palaces & history?? On Hasina, Rajasthan left an imprint even then – she had visited Rajasthan first when she was 14, and being a history aficionado loved the exotica of the Desert land.

Therefore, to Hasina, Rajasthan was always closest to her heart & used to call to her for a deeper & more soulful holiday.

It was a task convincing Musafir at first, since he was still not into forts, palaces, etc. and thought it will be boring….until, he introduced the concept of Rajasthan by Road!! Now, Hasina, not a “travel regular” then, was a bit sceptical of travel by road…but well, there was no other way to take Musafir to her favourite destination, but by road!! So Road Trip to Rajasthan it was.

While making the itinery for Rajasthan by Road, Hasina actually started seeing the benefits of road travel by own vehicle. The best part being that road trip allows your holiday to be more flexible, adventurous, fun…and then, journey actually becomes a crucial part rather than destination.

Suddenly, fun detours, destinations, music (very crucial), food & beverages, everything became exciting, as you were practically in a moving home for the large part of your travel.

Amongst, co-travellers, was Hasina’s brother, whom we shall name Raahgir here J , then in college & thus with all the time in life to go along on a 9 day trip. The group was kept to minimum 3 people!! Larger groups are not Hasina’s cup of tea at all, as generally then you travel & explore less & are adjusting expectations & compromising most of the time. Large groups have their own fun, but possibly in small holidays only.

So, with lots of places to cover, with lot of music to listen to, with lots to eat & drink, we set off for what promised to be a Holiday of a Lifetime!!! J J J


We had read & heard a lot about Bhangarh!! The fact that it is actually an ASI Certified haunted site was enough to pique our interest!! We were anyways travelling from Delhi to Jaipur on Day 1, we crammed in Bhangarh at the last minute, as it just required a small detour from the NH8 Highway. Our plan was to start from Delhi at 6am on 25th December, have breakfast & then proceed to Bhangarh by 1.30-2pm. Explore the palace & the Kingdom till 4pm & then push off to Jaipur & land there by 6.30pm to rest & relax.

Now starts our road trip and its unpredictable fun:

25th December, Saturday, 6.30 am:

“HURRRRYYYY UPPPP!!!!” Hasina bellowed!! “How much time are u guys taking!!” She practically yelled.

“Can you help in doing anything apart from yelling??”, Raahgir bellowed back.

“Will both of shut up & quickly move all luggage downstairs”, Musafir gave an irritated look to both.

“Oh god, we are late, we are late”, Hasina muttered again” Let’s skip Bhangarh”!!

“No WAY!!” Both Musafir & Raahgir said in unsion.

“Let’s skip breakfast”, Musafir shot back, not being a particular foodie, and happy with chips & biscuits as breakfast.

“NO WAYYY”, Both Hasina & Raahgir said again in unsion.

“OK!! Relax…we will do everything!! So what if we are a bit late. We are on our own vehicle”, Musafir reasoned.

“But we have to leave Bhangarh before 5pm. ASI orders!!,” Hasina had read that Bhangarh is scary post 5pm, as then the “ghosts” of the haunted kingdom come back to claim what is theirs; before that, the place is picnic in Sunshine!! So, a cute traveller love story movie by day, a haunted horror story movie by night.

“Oh don’t worry” Musafir said in a sweet, comforting tone, “When you are already there with us…what is there to fear”, and with a wink & knowing smiles to Raahgir, took the rest of the stuff downstairs.

REALISATION DAWNING!!!! Aaaaargghhh!!!


Finally we were off…but well, a thick cover of Delhi Fog at its peak welcomed us outside. Our driving speed was as it is reduced to 35km/hr because of the fog.

“I can’t see this happening” Hasina kept on muttering from the back of the car, and Raahgir simply increased the volume of the songs.


After an hour and a half of driving in thick fog, we were hungry & moving at snail’s pace, until we spotted Ronald McDonald’s happy big “M” glaring at us from a distance!! Breakfast, hunger, good food exclamations ran in the car!!

We stopped for a Breakfast at McDonald’s Manesar, positioned right at NH8. The fog looked like it could lift in sometime, light warm sunshine was seeping through already, we were obviously famished & we steered our car to the restaurant!!
The Manesar McDonald’s, then newly made, was lovely to say the least. Quite spacious, pretty with small gardens, neat & clean at that time, it was quite inviting on a cold morning. McDonald’s had then freshly introduced the concept of Breakfast, and we have to admit, the Breakfast was breathtakingly delicious!!!

Warm Pancakes with butter & maple syrup, Hash Brown Potatoes – crunchy & crispy on the outside, and soft & comforting on the inside, Egg burgers, Fries, Hot coffeeee…mmmm…we were loving it!! J J J

It was a fun breakfast time with everything ordered thrice in quantity & polished off to the last morsel!! A little bit of lounging later, we noticed the fog had lifted & the traffic was increasing, thus signalling it was time to go.

We came out with happy smiles on our faces with renewed vigour to head to the “haunted” mansion…when…

(Disclaimer: the below mentioned #Sign are just included for fun in the narrative & actually happened with us and are not over dramatized at all. We DO NOT promote superstition of any kind; however what we express below was our genuine experience only!!)

#Sign to turn back 1: Our car JUST WOULD NOT start!!!! Why, oh why why?? Engine was off, lights & fog lights off, car had just come back after servicing, but our car just WOULD NOT START!!!!

OMG!!OMG!! Sign to turn back and not go to Bhangarh??!! Oh come on…..the boys found it laughable & silly. Hasina then suggested to give a long ignition to the car, even if it does not start, close it, let the car be for 5 mins & start again. Musafir did that….and 5 minutes later, the car started back!!! J J J Happiness filled the air, and we thought possibly the engine got too cooled down due to the immense cold outside!! Could be possible!! Kicking out all negative thoughts, we were off again with music on our player, smiles on our faces & good food in our tummies!! J J J

En route we crossed beautifully golden fields of mustard!! What a sight it was…endless rows of dainty mustard flowers dispelling the gloomy fog outside with their radiant presence.

Did you know that the famous DDLJ song “Tujhe Dekha To Ye Jaana Sanam” with mustard fields as backdrop, was in fact filmed in Haryana & not in Punjab. In these exact fields at NH8!! Well the situation called for this song to be part of our player!! J J J


We were finally just an hour & a half away from Jaipur, where we were supposed to take a detour from the NH8 to reach Bhangarh. We had faced a massive jam due to a Gujjar agitation at that time en route & hence we were a bit delayed than intended.

We turned to a route and asked a local folk the way to Bhangarh & he just pointed ahead, so we took that turn.
#Sign 2: Our music system suddenly crashed, thus stopping our car!!

Oh no!! A long road trip without music!! We could not figure out why!! The road to Bhangarh looked dusty and sun was beaming on our head now, with no music, this did not look nice. Hasina almost wanted to turn back & head to lovely & comfortable Jaipur, but well then missing Bhangarh was something no one wanted.
Musafir & Raahgir decided it was time for a refreshing sip of beer in the heat. After 10 mins or so of stopping time we drove ahead. The road was long winding & just would not end!! We crossed dust patches, water logged roads, endless rows of villages, and every time we stopped & asked locals, they would leer & say “just 7-8 kms more!!” somehow those 7-8 kms were not seeming to end and we kept on driving.

#Sign 3: According to the map we could reach Bhangarh in just half an hour of leaving NH8, however, almost 2 hours plus & we were nowhere closing on to Bhangarh. With no music & anticipation of reaching Bhangarh fast, as we had to move out post 5pm, we were getting riled up increasingly & unable to understand why it was taking so long!!!

On the plus side, we encountered some good roads in such interiors, saw simple village life, came across breathtakingly beautiful landscapes amidst all the arid land and saw peacocks run around here & there in abundance. The route to Bhangarh, i,e, the district of Alwar was lovely to say the least.

But the question was….when will be reach Bhangarh??

3.30pm: We finally saw a signboard that read Ajabgarh!! (oh the relief!!) Ajabgarh is the neighbouring kingdom to Bhangarh & the only populated province next to the now deserted & “haunted” province, Bhangarh!! Even ASI’s office is not in Bhangarh but 5 kms away from their on the border of Ajabgarh!!

3.45pm: We reached Bhangarh finally!!! Oh man!!
It took us almost 3 hours plus to reach the famed Kingdom & we had to be out by 5pm for sure!!!

BHANGARH starts now:

The tale of Bhangarh:

Years ago, Bhangarh was a small but flourishing Kingdom. Despite its expanse being limited, it started gaining prominence as one of the most beautiful kingdoms because of its meticulous planning & governance. The growing popularity of Bhangarh in Alwar Tehsil of then Rajputana drew jealousy from many nearby provinces too!!

Bhangarh’s most prized possession however was its beautiful & mysterious Princess Bhanumati. An accomplished woman, Bhanumati was adept in governance & was exceedingly gorgeous. She was also proclaimed exceptionally gifted & intelligent & went on to the extent of learning sorcery & black magic.

Many neighbouring kings wanted to marry the beautiful princess & align Bhangarh in their kingdom post the royal betrothal.

However, fate had other plans!!

A little atop Bhangarh’s fort stayed an evil tantric, adept in the art of black Magic & sorcery. He had made his abode much higher than Bhangarh’s tallest tower to exert his superiority over the king (pic attached).

One day he saw the ravishing princess & immediately wanted her for himself!! However she was the famed princess Bhanumati & if biggest of kings were bidding for her affections, a small sorcerer with no social standing could not even think of her.

The evil sorcerer devised a plan. He used his Black Magic to create a potion & passed it off as a fragrant body oil for the Princess. He persuaded the Princess’ servant girl to carry the “magic oil” to her. An application of the oil would have induced dark powers in the Princess & she would have ran to the sorcerer, as if attracted by an unstoppable force!!

All this while, the tantric did not know that the Princess herself was adept in the Dark Magic. She immediately saw the oil for what it was!! The next day she visited the tantric’s home; while he was leery in his hope that his magic had worked, Bhanumati threw the vial of cursed oil on a huge boulder. On contact, the boulder came crashing towards the tantric & crushed him. Throughly mutilated, the tantric cursed Bhanumati, his line & the entire Bhangarh, and died!!

A year later the neighbouring Ajabgarh was in a battle with Bhangarh & Bhangarh along with lovely Bhanumati & all its royals declined & perished completely in sands of time!!! Bhangarh is proclaimed cursed to this day, and it is said the ghost of both Bhanumati & the Tantric still move in the shadows of the lost Kingdom.

These are but folk stories, carried generation to generation.

To our mind the explanation seems that jealous of Bhangarh & its popularity, the neighbouring state of Ajabgarh first tried to annex this luminous kingdom by proposing marriage to Princess Bhanumati. Haughty that she was, she must have outright refused to marry the Prince of Ajabgarh. Taken aback by this slight, they must have retaliated by a brutal war & with the knowledge that Bhanumati was adept in Dark Arts, they must have captured & proclaimed her a “Witch”, thus establishing Bhangarh as a dark kingdom; not giving it any chance to regain back its original glory!! It would have been difficult for a male dominated Rajputana royalty to disgest a woman as not only a Queen, but one with lesser means, & yet one who was progressing better!!

This tag of haunted could have been created by Ajabgarh & neighbouring kingdoms & always stayed!!

Again, this all is a speculation based on some loose historical facts, but seems plausible & the best one we could come up with!!

Coming back to our travelogue….

As we entered into this Kingdom locked in time, truthfully, we did not get any eerie feeling at all!!

Bhangarh is gorgeous!! It is so beautiful, laidback, well planned & spacious that roaming here, taking in its beauty, was an experience in itself.

The most imposing structure in Bhangarh after entering the gates is its beautifully laid out Main market area.

So well planned & meticulous, was the market area, that Hasina almost wished it was flourishing again, so that she could shop there J J. It reminded us of the mystique filled markets we have heard of in Arabian Nights tales.

We went ahead further, stopping to take pictures, here & there!!

The sight that probably sets an eerie tone to Bhangarh are some of the oldest trees present there. These Banyan trees are huge & its boughs look so imposing & twisted that they actually paint a very scary picture.

The 2nd most imposing structure that attracted us inside Bhangarh palace ground was the presence of a beautiful Shiv temple!!

Now our natural question is, with a positive presence, like Shiv temple being in the premises of Bhangarh, why do we believe that the place is haunted?? Are we believing more in negative forces over a singular positive force?? So are we not, but unintentionally, letting fear get the better of us??!!

Moving on after this thought….the Shiv temple was lovely & reminded us of countless temples we have seen in Hindi movies.

Unfortunately, due to the paucity of time at hand, we could not explore the temple, as the Sun was fading gradually.

We were moving on to the main palace, when a sound of chants & hymns being recited attracted Hasina to a garden called “Kewda Baag” aka The Garden of Frangrance.

The Garden was so pretty & lovely, yet so mysterious that we got attracted to it straightaway.

We saw a large group of villagers gathered here & some Puja (sacred rituals) being performed there.

Another thing that led us to question the whole “haunted” tag of Bhangarh. When something as positive as a Puja is being performed on the grounds of Bhangarh itself, why do we feel that the negative forces will get the better of them? Are we untrustworthy of the immense power & positivity that Vedic chants spread? They are not hocus pocus ranting, that someone just cooked out of thin air…..the Vedic chants are extremely scientific recitals that invoke the positive forces of nature. The chants in that Puja, being conducted at Bhangarh, was the very scientific & sacred, Maha Mrityunjay Jaap aka The recital for the Almighty Shiv. In that case, what is to fear??!!

A little talk with a Puja participant cleared that this ritual is a six monthly affair & done for just purging the area of anything negative. So, there you go!!

After the beautifully mysterious Kewda Garden, we headed to the main palace. Trust us, in no way, in no manner, by no indication we felt any sort of eerie presence. To our mind it was just beautiful. But of course, the place was teaming with picnickers & tourists; we are sure that if the place is desolate, then all eerie elements will automatically come out (like it would be in any desolate place on a vast expanse), thus inviting negative thoughts.

Here are some spectacular panoramic views from the topmost tower of the palace.

Finally it was 4.30pm & we were on the topmost tower of Bhangarh. Now you call it mindplay or whatever, but suddenly a sense of panic set in amongst all the people there. Hiking down would require minimum 15 mins of time & leaving the grounds of Bhangarh village at least 20 mins.

This panic to rush to the exit suddenly caused all the fear!! Very frankly.

We rushed fast to the exit and to our surprise or maybe due to over-thinking even saw cattle pacing fast out of Bhangarh limits. There were some people who were still staying back, but we respect Govt. regulations enough, especially in such cases J J J

5pm: We drove off from Bhangarh limits!!

It started getting dark & since coming in took so much time, we did not know, how much time going out & reaching highway would take. We asked a local & he said, oh you start this way & keep going straight…flat 20 mins you will be on the NH.

…and it was exactly like that!! We had taken a long & wrong route all way!! But in lieu of this, at least we drove all the way through beautiful Alwar villages & saw the beautiful & laidback life of India’s interiors.

Finally wading 20 mins through dark & dusty roads we saw the bright lights of NH8 at a short distance. Getting back to highway by 6pm, we were off to Jaipur…leaving behind the mystical & serene Bhangarh.

It did run in our mind though that at that particular hour, with dark & desolation set in, would Bhangarh still look as ethereally pretty or maybe eerie as the World paints it??!!

Coming Up: Musafir, Hasina & Raahgir in The Pink City!!! J J Keep watching this space!!